Default Palworld Settings Parameters
  • palworld, settings, admin, password, memory, crash
  • 513
Server's config file can be found here : /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini Default settings template can be found here: /home/container/DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini More details on the process: Settings:
  • Day Time Speed: The lower this number is, the longer each day will last.
  • Night Time Speed: The lower this number is, the longer each night will last.
  • EXP Rate: The higher this number is, the more EXP you will gain.
  • Pal Capture Rate: The higher this number is, the greater your chance of capturing a Pal.
  • Pal Appearance Rate: The higher this number is, the more Pals that will spawn.
  • Damage From Pals Multiplier: The lower this number is, the less damage you and your Pals will take from wild Pals during combat. Also decreases the damage output of your Pals.
  • Damage To Pals Multiplier: The higher this number is, the more damage you and your Pals will do to wild Pals during combat. Also increases the damage your Pals receive.
  • Pal Hunger Depletion Rate: The lower this number is, the longer it will take for your Pals to get hungry.
  • Pal Stamina Reduction Rate: The lower this number is, the longer it will take for your Pals stamina to run out.
  • Pal Auto HP Regeneration Rate: The higher this number is, the faster your Pal will recover health.
  • Pal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate: The higher this number is, the faster your Pal will recover health when inside the Palbox.
  • Damage From Player Multiplier: The higher this number is, the greater the damage output of your character.
  • Damage To Player Multiplier: The lower this number is, the less damage your character will take during combat.
  • Player Hunger Depletion Rate: The lower this number is, the longer it will take for your character to get hungry.
  • Player Stamina Reduction Rate: The lower this number is, the longer it will take for your character to run out of stamina.
  • Player Auto HP Regeneration Rate: The higher this number is, the faster your character will recover health.
  • Player Sleep HP Regeneration Rate: The higher this number is, the faster your character will recover health when sleeping.
  • Damage To Structure Multiplier: The lower this number is, the less damage your structures and builds will take.
  • Structure Deterioration Rate: The lower this number is, the slower the deterioration will be for structures and builds, with 0 meaning no deterioration.
  • Maximum Number of Dropped Items in A World: Self-explanatory. Note: increasing this number could potentially cause the game to slow down.
  • Gatherable Items Multiplier: The higher this number is, the more resources you will receive from mining, lumbering etc.
  • Gatherable Objects HP Multiplier: The lower this number is, the faster objects/resources like rocks will disintegrate when mining. (Note: in my experience, this change only took effect to objects like rocks after it had been destroyed and respawned.) (Note: in my experience, there didn’t appear to be any change in how long it took for a tree to be completely chopped, taking 15 hits regardless of the multiplier.)
  • Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval: The lower this number is, the faster resources will respawn. (Note: in my experience, there didn’t appear to be any change in how long it took for a tree to respawn once completely chopped, taking 30 minutes regardless of the multiplier.)
  • Dropped Items Multiplier: The higher this number is, the more items/materials you will receive when defeating a Pal.
  • Incubate Egg Timer: The lower this number is, the faster eggs will hatch.
  • Enable Raid Events: Self-explanatory.
  • Death Penalty: Self-explanatory.
  • Max Number of Guilds: This only applies when not playing solo.
  • Max Pals Working at Base: Self-explanatory.

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